Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn By Mark Twain - 1611 Words

A Journey To Change Throughout time people have encountered dilemmas that result in change in society. Perhaps change is something that is mistaken as an unwanted struggle for development, but in fact, people overlook their own fear of uncertainty in what benefits change can bring. Countless times in American history change has been forced upon the people rather than embraced with open arms. In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain illustrates Huck Finn’s struggle to alter his values and go against what he’s been raised to believe in society throughout his life: African Americans are inferior to whites. In the novel, Twain teams up Huck with a runaway slave, Jim, who is a key character to helping Huck change how he views other†¦show more content†¦By which Huck was raised, he sees Jim as a black slave who can’t think for himself and has a very small range of emotions. In one particular part of the book when Huck and Jim are stuck together on the raft, Jim starts talking enthusiastically about gaining his freedom and traveling back up the river to â€Å"steal† his family back. While Huck listens to Jim’s excitement, but yet knows is clearly against the law, he immediately slips back into the deep rooted racial mindset that surrounded him in his early childhood: â€Å"Saying he would steal his children—children that belonged to a man I didn’t know; a man that hadn’t ever done me no harm† (95). At this point, all Huck identifies in Jim, is his criminal behavior wanting to steal â€Å"properties† from an innocent white man who hasn’t done anything wrong to deserve it. One of the key places in the novel where Huck demonstrates what he’s been taught by society about African Americans is when he tries to explain that there are people from other countries that speak a different language other than English. Huck and Jim go back and forth arguing over why French people d on’t just speak English in the first place and how if they don’t speak like Huck and Jim, then they don’t speak like a man. Eventually Huck gave up on trying to clarify that there are other languages other than English, â€Å"I see it warn’t no use wasting words—you cant learn a n**** to argue† (86). Huck implies that Jim is too dumb to understand

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Changing Ones Leadership Style Essay example - 537 Words

It is amazing the different variations in leadership style that can determine or almost pre-determine one’s outcome to any situation. I have never considered why a boss or leader may act the way he or she does based on this criteria. I have only ever thought about it in terms of personality clashes. The fact that you can label these traits and understand what type of decisions will be made from this kind of assessment is both good and bad. Consequently, it is great if you say and do all the right things consistently; however it is enlightening if you don’t. Fortunately one can change behaviors or ideas that have been pre-determined to be wrong to create a more positive outcome. There are several area’s in my life that I am trying†¦show more content†¦Life is full of trials and tribulations every day. How we learn to stay consistent with our demeanor, or our moods, and how we speak to people as well as how we look at them will set the tone for our mission and how we can accomplish our goals.It is amazing the different variations in leadership style that can determine or almost pre-determine one’s outcome to any situation. I have never considered why a boss or leader may act the way he or she does based on this criteria. I have only ever thought about it in terms of personality clashes. The fact that you can label these traits and understand what type of decisions will be made from this kind of assessment is both good and bad. Consequently, it is great if you say and do all the right things consistently; however it is enlightening if you don’t. Fortunately one can change behaviors or ideas that have been pre-determined to be wrong to create a more positive outcome. There are several area’s in my life that I am trying to change, this is extremely hard because it is certainly easier to learn something new, rather than un-learn something. Happily, I am glad to read that great leaders are not born the y are made. Of course there are probably a few exceptions to this rule for some such as: Gandhi, Martin Luther King, or the Dali Lama, however I am sure they couldn’t have always got it right all the timeShow MoreRelatedLeadership Theory And Philosophy Of Leadership Essay1164 Words   |  5 PagesThe belief of leadership is constantly changing, with many theories and frameworks available. Today’s organizations face ever-increasing change, which includes increased patient demands and work needs, which requires a more adaptive flexible leadership that is becoming increasingly important in the 21st century. Leadership theory and philosophy can be divided into several well-known styles. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Penn Foster English Essay Free Essays

I. Introduction 1. Albert Einstein said, â€Å"Learning is not a product of schooling but the lifelong attempt to acquire it. We will write a custom essay sample on Penn Foster English Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now † 2. Penn Foster is one route that helps motivated independent learners acquire the knowledge and certification they need. 3. Students’ lives may change due to the decision to further their education. 4. I plan to use the following method balance work, family, and Penn Foster. II. Step 1: Figure Out What Really Matters in Life 1. Spending introspective time thinking about my life is the first step to achieving a balanced life. 2. I use an exercise for figuring out what matters most,† Laura Berman Fortgang (a personal coach) tells WebMD. She has her clients take a couple days off from work to contemplate the following series of questions: 1. If my life could focus on one thing and one thing only, what would that be? 2. If I could add a second thing, what would that be? † and so on. (WebMD) 3. After the list is compiled, then the plan is to departmentalize my life. 4. When I’m at home with the family, I will focus and concern myself with them. 5. Howeve r, when I’m working on Penn Foster, I will only be thinking about learning and completing assignments. . This will help me to spend quality time in the areas that are most important. III. Step 2: Figure Out â€Å"Musts† vs â€Å"Shoulds† 1. The next step will be to figure out the difference between â€Å"Musts† vs â€Å"Shoulds. † 2. â€Å"We always manage to find time for those things that we decide we must do and its the things we think we should do that get left by the way side. † (Caroline) 3. To do this, I need to take my list from Step 1 and decide which activities on the list must I do. 4. Then, I need to take activities that I would like to do and put them in the should category. 5. While I do this, I need to be careful not to put too many commitments into the must column. 6. The reason is to not overwhelm myself and over commit my time. 7. Some of my musts will be family, work, and Penn Foster. 8. Right now, everything else in my life I consider a â€Å"should† until school is finished. IV. Step 3: Take Daily â€Å"Time-Outs† 1. The last step to ensure that I can balance my life is to take daily â€Å"time-outs. † 2. â€Å"Take a nap, a walk, or a mini-meditation break with a few minutes of silence. Maintain daily rituals, such as teatime, meditation, prayer, exercise. †(Womensnet) 3. By doing this, I can adapt myself to my new hectic schedule. 4. I will be able to maintain my energy throughout the day. 5. Keeping daily â€Å"time-outs† will ensure that I keep my sanity and they will give me something to look forward to throughout the day. V. Conclusion 1. Maintaining a balance between work, life, and Penn Foster can be accomplished using these three steps. 2. The first step is to figure out what really matters in life. 3. Then, I will create a must and should list. 4. After that, I will ensure I take â€Å"time-outs† to give myself a routine to look forward to during my day. . By doing these three steps, I can balance it all. Works Cited â€Å"Easy Steps to Work-Life Balance | Grants For Women in Business | Loans and Credit for Women Business Owners | Grants For Small Business. † Grants For Women in Business | Loans and Credit for Women Business Owners | Grants For Small Business. 24 Mar. 2009 . discover, you may. â€Å"5 Tips for Better Wor k-Life Balance. † WebMD – Better information. Better health.. 24 Mar. 2009 . way, the, and I wouldn. â€Å"How to Find the Right Work-Life Balance: 6 Steps | Caroline Middlebrook. † Caroline Middlebrook. 24 Mar. 2009 . How to cite Penn Foster English Essay, Essays

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Strength and Weakness of the Antenna-Free-Samples for Student

Questions: 1.Different antenna, such as yagi, horn, and celluar antennas, etc. has different merits. Research these technologies in details and pay specific attention to how they are used as well their strengths and weakness. 2.Compare and contrast the multiplexing techniques CDMA and FDMA in the area of wireless networking? Answers: 1.Different types of Antennas are: Horn Antennas A horn antenna is also called microwave horn antenna. It is used in many applications for microwaves where level of reasonable directives is needed. There are different types of horn antennas available including conical horn, pyramid horn antenna and the corrugated horn antenna. The antenna is used in the reception and transmission of RF microwave signal and it is usually used in conjunction with waveguide feeds (Mizoguchi et al ., 2016). A horn antenna is a form of antenna that consist mainly flared waveguide which is in the shape of a horn. It has that effect that enables a transition between the free space and the wave guide and it also directs wave in a beam. Strengths The following are the strength of the antenna. Impedance matching is good. Greater directivity. Standing waves are avoided. Small minor lobes are formed Narrow beam width (Ekti et al., 2016) Weakness The following are the weakness of the antenna. Flare angle and length of the flare should not be very small Designing of the flare angle, decides the directivity. Yagi Uda Antenna The yagi uda antenna is the most commonly used antenna for TV reception over the last few decades. This type of antenna is the easiest to use and popular antenna with a good performance. This type of antenna is famous for its directivity and high gain. The frequency range in which the antenna works is around 30 MHz to 3GHz which belong to the UHF and VHF bands ok frequency. Strengths The following are the strength of the antenna. High directives is achieved Easy of handling and maintenance Less amount of power is needed. Broader coverage of frequency High gain is achieved. Weakness The following are the weakness of the antenna. This type of antenna is prone to atmospheric effects.This type of antenna is prone to noise. Helical Antenna Helical antenna is an example of wire antenna as it forms the shape of a helix. The operation frequency of the helical antenna is around 30 MHz to 3 GHz. This antenna works in the UHF and VHF ranges. It is one of the simplest antennas which provide polarized waves circularly (Wong et al.,2017). This type of antenna is usually used in extra terrestrial communication which involves satellite relays etc Strengths The following are the strength of the antenna. Simple design Wider bandwidth Highest directivity Can be used at HF and VHF bands also. Circular polarization can be achieved (Skinner, 2016). Weakness The following are the weakness of the antenna. The antenna size is large so it requires more space. Efficiency decreases with the number of turns. Future prospective The helical antenna would be a dominant player in the near future because of its mode of operation. There are two modes of operation Normal or perpendicular mode of radiation In this mode of radiation, the radiation field of the helix is normal. The radiated waves are polarized circularly. This is obtained if the dimension of the helix is small when compared to wavelength. Axial or beam mode of operation In this mode of radiation, the field of radiation is in the end- fire direction along the helical axis and the wave is circular or circularly polarized. The radiation is broad and the directional along the beam axis producing minor lobes at oblique angles (Skinner, 2016). 2.Compare and contrast the multiplexing techniques CDMA and FDMA Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) is a method access normally used for 3G radio communication and some other technology. The technicality of CDMA technology has given significant advantages over other parallel technologies which are in term of spectrum efficiency and overall performance (Rogers, Richard Noortje, 2016). Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA) is one of the most common analog multiple access methods .the bandwidth is divided into channel of equal bandwidth as a result of which each conversation is carried on a different frequency In code division multiple accesses each user is assigned a different pseudorandom binary sequence that modulates the carrier, with respect to the waveform it is spreading across the spectrum and gives each user a unique code pattern. With frequency division multiple access different signals are assigned to the frequency channel. A frequency is a channel. Frequency is mainly a basic technology in the analog advanced mobile phone system (AMPS) (Rogers, Richard Noortje, 2016). In FDMA each channel can be assigned to only one user at each time. FDMA can also be used in Total access Communication system. The broad difference between CDMA and FDMA are as follows: CDMA (code division multiple access) Every narrow signal is multiplied by wideband spreading signal usually known as codeword. Only the desired codeword is detected by the receiver rest appear as a noise. Every user has a different pseudo-code which is orthogonal to others Same frequency is used by every user and simultaneous transmission occurs It is mandatory for the receiver to know about the transmitters codeword FDMA (Frequency Division multiple access) Bandwidth of channel is relatively narrow which is known as narrow band system Tight filtering is needed in order to minimize interference Little or no equalization for spreading symbol is needed. Bandwidth of the channel is not in use. Analog links are suitable for FDMA (Etzkowitz, 2016). References Mizoguchi, F., Yamauchi, T., Ishihara, Y., Ishikawa, K. (2016). U.S. Patent Application No. 15/387,044. Ekti, A. R., Shakir, M. Z., Serpedin, E., Qaraqe, K. A., Imran, M. A. (2016). On the Traffic Offloading in Wi-Fi Supported Heterogeneous Wireless Networks. Journal of Signal Processing Systems, 83(2), 225-240. Wong, V. W., Schober, R., Ng, D. W. K., Wang, L. C. (2017). 1 Overview of New Technologies for 5G Systems. Key Technologies for 5G Wireless Systems, 1. Skinner, B. F. (2016). The technology of teaching. BF Skinner Foundation. Etzkowitz, H. (2016). The evolution of technology transfer. Rogers, Richard, and Noortje Marres. "Landscaping climate change: A mapping technique for understanding science and technology debates on the World Wide Web." Public Understanding of Science (2016).