Thursday, February 27, 2020

How far a company in the UK faces barriers to new product innovation Essay

How far a company in the UK faces barriers to new product innovation - Essay Example enterprises were surveyed , mostly across the manufacturing and services sectors and predominantly those firms which had more than 10 employees, and focused primarily on the development of new products. The innovativeness of films in the 2005 survey was categorized into three distinct sub classes, i.e., (a) novel innovators, who introduced at least one new product in the market (b) imitating innovators who have not introduced at least one new product and (c) incomplete innovators, who had engaged in innovation activities but had not introduced any new product or process during the period. When all the participant firms were assessed on the basis of novel innovators, it may be noted that only 16% from all the various sectors were found to belong in this first category, as depicted in the graph below: As clearly evident from the graph above, manufacturing firms appear to have been the largest innovators, followed closely by financial and business services, and these sectors have also been the most profitable sectors. As compared to this, the approximate percentage of firms engaging in continuing new innovation activity in the same sectors in 2007 is provided in the table and graph below: It is significant to note that construction is the sector that shows the highest percentage of new innovation activity, while similar activities in the manufacturing sector appear to have declined (See Figute 3.1 in 2007 survey). However, when this is compared to the extent of continuing innovation activity, the graphical representation changes as follows: This reveals that innovation activity has been continuing in the manufacturing sector, while the extent of continuing innovation is low in the construction sector. This appears to suggest that the patterns of innovative activity have changed; the drive to develop new products was greater in the manufacturing sector in 2005 which has been continued, while the manufacturing sector may be experiencing a similar drive towards

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

The 5D Framework & Its Application towards Organizational Change Essay - 1

The 5D Framework & Its Application towards Organizational Change - Essay Example Therefore the primary thing we need to discuss is the reasons behind this extensive absenteeism. The probable cause can be many among which the environment is a strong factor. The environment consists of forces like the economy, political set up, technological factors, sociological and legal forces. These forces might affect an individual in several ways. For example, the economic condition of a country, specifically of an individual can force them to opt for other job opportunities. It is possible that the employees of the firm have opted for part time jobs in order to satisfy their & their family’s financial needs. It is also possible that the government of the country is offering better employment opportunities which are preferable in terms of salary, work conditions & work structure. The technology of the firm can also be a probable reason for the constant absenteeism as the employees might find it difficult to learn the new technologies & hence they are making excuse to a void those jobs which are highly technology oriented. The sociological factors might include that the employees are not getting enough recognition in their society for their work. It has been noted that the elderly care department is facing more absenteeism. The relevant cause might be the monotonous environment of the elderly care department. Also, the elderly people suffer from more health hazards which again might pose to be a discouraging element for the employees of that department as the general people do not like to stay near ailing people as the disease might make them sick too. A poor communications structure in the organization is considered to be one of the hindrances in the way of introducing the change.